Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Team Project Presentation on Saturday

Hi Lady Bird Lake,

It will be great to see you again. Just a quick reminder that your project update will be on Saturday morning. Let me know if you need anything.


Your delivery will still be capped at five (5) minutes. Given the quantity of information to be shared, you may need to prepare to use the entire allotted time.

Here are the items to be covered in the project status presentation:
o The name of the cohort group
o Your name (presenter) and the name of each of your cohorts
o A brief description of the project and the resulting product
o Goals that were set last month or before, that were expected to be met by this time
o Goals that have actually been met as of today
o The estimated percent of tasks completed toward the project product
o Changes in project scope that have occurred since last month
o What will you accomplish by next month’s status update.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Mike's post

I wanted to update this blog by posting the following:
1) matt is working on our Gannt chart
2) Mike and Leslie are working on the survey
3) Patti, Michelle and Jamie are working on lit review and interview questionnaire for team-building folks

Team is any group of folks working together (at least somewhat) to achieve a goal or produce work - some mutual reliance implied.

Group title is Tools for troubled teams...

Sound good?

Monday, November 5, 2007

Clarify blog...

If you are not yet comfortable with the blog, just respond directly to my email

or to the new group email

If you want to use the blog, the url is:


Hello Lady Bird Lakers

Don't forget to prepare an update on your project for November's meeting. Starting tomorrow, I will be out of town until Nov. 11 -- I'll check with you as soon as I return. I think it would be good if you created a Project Plan, no matter how short and simple. Who will do what by when is the basis. Adding start and end dates for each task and indicating which tasks are dependent on the completion of others is a great start. Any tasks that can occur in tandem is also good information.
Would you please just respond to this email ("I got it" is fine), so I'll know that I've set up the blog correctly?


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lady Bird Lake Blog is up and running

Hello Lady Bird Lakers. Just a reminder to update your project status. Start with providing the goals to be met by the next meeting. More to come .....